
Showing posts from February, 2022


  Helloo guyzz, It is also like an opportunity that i am able to share my views with you guys. I was told to do it it was my decision that i want to share my thinking and keep a good contact with you guys. Opportunity is a situation or circumstance which you get to complete your dreams but the point is you must know what and when you are getting the opportunity. It is the way which takes you right to your aim. Try to understand which way can take you up to your aim because there are opportunities which can be right or wrong means that can either take you to the right way or the wrong way. So its upon you how you see the way and how you understand that you are going in right direction. So, whenever you get an opportunity, first think about it and then if you find it right one go with it. Try to make the way enjoyable because the path is harder but interesting and you will learn to find your good opportunity. Have a good luck! Stay happy, keep smiling


  Woww..Inspiration! Whenever we listen to this word or see this word instantly our mind thinks of the person who always inspire you. So, how do you know that who is inspiring you? First of all, we should know the meaning of inspiration. It is a feeling, a motivation or we can say that its a type of our inner power which we feel when we see someone as an inspiring personality. Now, it is not important that every inspirational story inspires you. You are inspired only by those one's through which you feel yourself connected. Sometimes at someplaces we get low or can say that you are at that position to look up to the things positively at that moment you must think about your inspiration. It creates a movement of a fairy wave in your body where u can feel the change by seeing yourself being inspired. You can work hard but sometimes there are moments when you feel low and demotivated may be either it is stress or thinking, so at that time you must think that there is a door waiting fo

Failures - The hardest way to the success

A very cool evening guyzz Today i think i am gonna talk about my own life's biggest lesson which taught me that success is meaningless until you've not taken the taste of failure. No, i am not saying that everyone should fail but it makes a person responsible to value his/her success. Failure is important in everyone's life because it somewhere makes your success more pleasing. I failed many times at many points of my life but the coming up from those failures is what matters, like if you are really mad about your dreams then you are capable enough to fight those failures , to learn from those failures and to start again by analysing your mistakes. Your journey is full of troubles, obstacles, ups and downs, failure and don't know what more but if you are honest with your dreams these things cannot pull you down. Failures are good because they make the success more sweeter and happier and that is what we want to achieve. So, i think we should never lose hope and never gi


 Attitude(The way to react on things) Hello friends, I am little confused that how to react on the thing where you are unknown about the end. Simply, when we are frustrated from something and start reacting on other things, we somewhere creates a negative effect on others. No, i am not talking about your behaviour but the way you are seen by others is different like somebody shows you a thing on which he or she wants your reaction to be special but you reacts badly due to your frustration so it normally influence your character. It shows your attitude is negative, here, negative means ego. Yeah, the negative version of attitude is called ego. Attitude is not wrong but if it becomes the result of your frustration then it is totally bad. You must know how to react on things where you are not sure about how it gonna be end. So keep your attitude positive and look up to the things clearly and think before showing any reaction.


Guys, well its my first blog and i think i'll make u comfortable enough with it. So thinking about the word "PASSION" , what does it really mean. Like is it something which a person only wants to do as an responsibility which you really do when your parents asks you to follow the same career they do. Nope! Its not that. Passion means you are going with the talent you are born with like some people loves music so they try to become singer, some loves acting so they start their struggle into that field etc and etc. And its pleasing to do that until your parents are supportive but what if your parents avoid your passion, your talent in front of their need to make you a respectable doctor or engineer or lawyer whatever. Yaa okay! Its fine to dream for their children that what they really want them to be but more important is what you want to be in your life. Because its your life and there is nothing to do with your parents choice because you have to live it not them. Passion