
Guys, well its my first blog and i think i'll make u comfortable enough with it. So thinking about the word "PASSION" , what does it really mean. Like is it something which a person only wants to do as an responsibility which you really do when your parents asks you to follow the same career they do. Nope! Its not that. Passion means you are going with the talent you are born with like some people loves music so they try to become singer, some loves acting so they start their struggle into that field etc and etc. And its pleasing to do that until your parents are supportive but what if your parents avoid your passion, your talent in front of their need to make you a respectable doctor or engineer or lawyer whatever. Yaa okay! Its fine to dream for their children that what they really want them to be but more important is what you want to be in your life.
Because its your life and there is nothing to do with your parents choice because you have to live it not them. Passion is what we should go with ahead in life but there are many who are incapable to show their talent just because their parents are non supportive. I am not saying they are wrong, may be at some part they want you to be happy in your life but remember one thing you wilk not be happy until you live your life as per your choices. You should remember that you'd dreamt of something in which you want your future so just don't ignore your talent just don't give up on your passion. You are given this talent to show the world not to hide. Passion should be your 1st choice because we are passionate about something when we love that thing and without love we can do nothing. So just stop loosing yourself from your passion , your talent and start making your dreams true..!


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