The comfort zone! The most haunted thing in a person's life i guess because this is where a person becomes dependent on others or tomorrow. Well, I think comfort zone is what makes you unsuccessful most of the time. You are always seeing for it to be happen itself but the thing is if you really want the life to be according to you then you have to come out of your comfort zone. It's the rule of life! 
You are not going to achieve what you are willing to within your comfort because it makes you lazy, dependent, unconfident or you can say uncapable. When you know what you want to do in your life and if you are passionate about it that you have to do it at any cost then you will not face any big difficulty to come out of you comfort zone but if you are losing your confidence on yourself it means you are not trying to come out. See the way is hard, every body knows that but the person who is capable of leaving their fun for a point of time then they are working hard. Sometimes people have to make a shell around them to achieve what they really want. 

I know comfort is not really that bad everybody need it but sometimes to fight for your dreams you have to loose all the things which are needed in the way. So never be hesitate to lose your comfort it makes you stronger instead because one day it gonna pay you back in a very good way.
What i can say about it is, I was always scared of losing my comfort because it wants so much focus and hard work and i will say that i was a failure i had a fear of losing things and losing myself. But i got the sense on time and i chose to come out of my comfort zone for the dream I've seen.
And i heard somewhere that "When your dreams don't scare you, that means they are too small"! So, don't worry about future if you are ready to loose your comfort for you dreams because it is going to make you a way better person than what you are today.
Have a good journey...
stay happyy!!!!


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